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I’ve updated my S&W White Box Essential Adventuring Rules with new wandering monster tables, the main change is that I added a table that tells you what wandering table to roll on, similar to how the process works in OD&D vol. III. So a party on the first dungeon level could end up with a wandering monster from the level one, two or even the level three table. I also added NPCs of various classes – so again more like OD&D (sadly without the level titles), and padded the tables so 1d12 is used at each level. There are a few new monsters, they come from Charlie Mason’s update to the Swords & Wizardry White Box rules. He incorporated these new tables into his latest edition, which you can get free in PDF or near cost in print. Below are the links to my updated house rules, in PDF or ODT formats.

Swords & Wizardry Essential Adventuring Rules v2 (PDF)

Swords & Wizardry Essential Adventuring Rules v2 (Libre Office)
